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The Lost Ones

The Lost Ones could have been you or I at some point in our existence and perhaps possibly it is you or I now to our higher selves. When understanding the place that a Lost One is in we must have Empathy, not sympathy. This means we embrace the wisdom that everyone has been given the power within themselves to defeat their own demons and come out of their own self hate, lies and/or confusion. Only we ourselves can make our own choices and eventually choose to find our place in Heaven, as a Chosen Child of God or an eternal Being of truth.

Lost ones are those who carried the blood of God however, are allowing themselves to slowly succumb to the poisoning and toxicity of the lies fed to that blood. These are those lost children who are choosing to be illegitimate children and accepting manipulation by those in the world who were not born of the same DNA they once held. For those who are lost there is healing, cleansing and rebirth but they must choose their place on the throne and decide to reclaim their birthright by denouncing lies and the falseness of the world.


The lost one may eat like scavengers to feed the poison drugs or toxicity in their blood. They have not chosen the healthy nourishment provided to them by the Earth which was created by their Heavenly father. They eat the malnourishing flesh of unclean animals or animals grown in labs. They may crave the bleached, modified and un-pure herb rather than the freshly grown herbs and vegetation because it helps tame their sickness. This can be those addicted to sugars, drugs (legal or illegal), they could also be those dependent on alcohol, sex, codependency, or any other types of addictions. 


Lost Ones are those whose gifts and talents, powers and royalty are slowly being stripped away from them because they choose to give away their birthright and Divinity to liars and thieves. Little do these thieves know Heaven does not acknowledge those who have obtained something that does does not belong to them. Therefore Lost Ones have forfeited there cleanliness, clarity and truth for no reason at all, if they have not learned a lesson


These lost individuals may appear delusional, unaware of truth right in front of them, lack of clarity and having the inability to tell real from the fake on multiple levels. Many of them may think the ways and word of the world is correct, as these lost individuals have no direction. Some may want to claim respect, some may give up respect all together, even respect of themselves, but the bottom line is they can not see truth because they have replaced it with falseness. These Lost Ones may be seen as immoral, liars, cheaters, thieves, false spirituality, bleak, untrustworthy, alcoholics, drug addicts or addicts of any sort, sexually immoral, men who lay with other men (homosexuals), committing abominations, domestic abusers, mental behavioral disorders, lashing out, over all possessed by demons and many other evil, un-Godly characteristics. These actions and choices of lost ones all stem from corruption, falseness, lies and deceit. But there is often multiple opportunities to the choose the truth. Some can possess one or multiple of these characteristics but it always comes along with sickness of the body, mind and/or Spirit. Again, we have all been in this place at least once and on some level we may still be, so be mindful of how you view the lost.


Lost ones become lost when they no longer search for the truth and allow themselves to not choose what is true, which majorly begins when not choosing their own self. As to be Chosen is choosing self, we are the truth and collectively we are all.


Here is the truth we all were once one or more of these characteristics of the Lost Ones but some of us have came out of that warped place and we became reborn. It is important for us to support our brothers and sisters in and awakening even if it is simply by protecting ourselves, raising our own vibration, and being aware of redemption. The power of our minds alone can work miracles, so do not Judge in a measure that is too harsh for even ourselves to to bear. The Lost Ones do not have to remain lost, this is their choice to make, but they can be encouraged, inspired and maybe even influenced to find themselves in truth again by seeing the example of those who have defeated their own demons.



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