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  T h e  H e a l i n g  W o r k s h o p

  a t   S t a r  S e s s i o n s 

b y  S a b b a t h   D a i s


Phase I  - The Growing Phase


A Healthy Tree at Great Falls in the year 2021: Trees grow with a combination of a healthy environment and proper care. With the right amount of water and sunlight along with fresh air and soil helps the tree stay well nourished. Add in a little care from all the life around the tree including from birds, squirrels, insects, etc. and this tree not only receives but also provides in an exchange of love and life.  Trees provides homes, filter air and act as protection from high winds and storms. All life should be appreciated even when it is a tree. 

What is healing?

Healing is the process of becoming healthy. In health, the body is able to exert more energy and live a more fulfilling life. The idea of being Spiritually healthy can be viewed as allowing your Spirit to operate at its fullest potential which involves the proper function of all parts of the body. The Physical health is very much the same and each living thing has healing to do as we are all effected by the damage done in the World. 


Healing can cause growth and believe it or not growth is what causes healing therefore, to stay in a place of being unhealed is to stay in a place that is not growing. As we grow and each moment goes by any wounds or open scars we may have begins to cartelize and protect itself from any threats or unsafe environments. 


Growth is being alive and being living is healing, when we do not grow we do not heal and our wounds become more damaged or infected by the environment. In the Spirit our wounds can cause our Spirits to be infected or contaminated by the World. Once this happens the damage can be so bad that  all that we can do is be reborn. It is almost the same as any deadly wound or damage, if it is too massive or infectious it can be life threatening or cause death. It is important for us  to grow, as staying idle could mean death. As there is no such thing as death in the way the world may think of it however, the concept is much the same. When our bodies, whether Physical or Spiritual, have succumb to tragedy we loose our life. 


Your wounds will heal that is what life is for, but you must know that they will. Why not accept your healing now? To heal we all must have a desire to grow and in turn we have life. This could mean you grow from negative situations, grow out of an unhealthy relationship, grow out of a stressful work environment or whatever your specific growth may be. If it is time for a new and improved you, just choose life and you will heal. There is so much life around us and all that life is continuing to move into its new and improved state, and you can too. It is your choice to heal, grow and live life to its fullest potential.


I know my wounds are healed
when they no longer hurt

Key Topics: Click on a topic below to go there now.




Truth vs Facts:

The truth is facts are just not good enough. The problem with facts is that they can change at any moment but the truth will always stay the same. If you are basing your life decision on facts rather than truth you could be living temporarily or preparing for your demise. Prepare for your eternity by seeking truth and healing...

Are you still alive?

Choosing Life:

Choosing life is to choose power over your own energy and choosing to grow your energy. In other words, choosing life is choosing to grow your Spirit. As your Spirit grows you become more of an impact of your environment, your life and your existence as a whole. Your positive energy has the ability to influence the world around you and as it grows it can even impact the Universe...


How to: Grow:

Growth is living and if you are still growing in your truth it means you are alive. You are in control of your own growth, just as you are in control of your own life...


Ask yourself 3 questions to find out about how your life is growing right now.

 True to "Yourself"

Choosing Yourself:

Accepting the truth is a responsibility that can be heavy to carry if we are not ready to live it. Accepting yourself means to accept truth but even ourselves can be a lot to take on when we are not willing to see all that we are. Your greatness is immense but know that once you see, you can not 'unsee'. Accept more of yourself at your own pace but the journey always starts somewhere...

Do not deny my power to heal all that I am.

I am not your idea of good.

I am good because I say I am good therefore, I am my own creation of what good is.

I have created you in my image therefore, I and only I create you to be good. 


When death occurs you say its bad but death is my creation,

when evil occurs you say its bad but evil is my creation.

Everything is made good once it has found back in me.


When death finds itself in me it becomes life, 

when evil finds itself in me it becomes good. 

When you find yourself in me you become a Child Of God.


In my hand, in my plan, even evil has a purpose; How much more do you? 

Do not deny my power to heal all that I am. 

I am The Almighty God

Truth versus Facts

Seeking truth is imperative to healing, there is no healing without truth. The challenge is how do we discern the truth from the lies but even more difficult the truth from facts. The difference between truth and facts are that truth is eternal it holds the answer to the ultimate, the final decision as everything is a choice. On the contrary a fact is temporary and only lives as long as it is required. When asking someone their age you get a temporary fact of how old they are, when asking their birth date you get the truth of their age. For instance if you ask someone their age and they say 32 years old, then will they be 32 years old next week? It depends on their birth date, if their birthday is tomorrow they would no longer be 32. However, if you ask them their birth date you will always know their age weeks, months or years from now. Knowing their age is a fact but it changes, knowing their truth will always be. 


Asking the right questions is substantial in seeking truth. We must tap into the eternal and learn what is  certain, explore what it is we need to know by acknowledging that we do not yet know. Consider your pain, perhaps you were left by your parents at an early age and it has caused you to suffer from abandonment. The fact may be that they left you, but it does not have to mean that they did not love you, but they loved you in the way that they could. The truth may be that they were unable to care for you in a way which helped you fulfill your purpose in this life. Our Spirits often hold answers to true questions but we do not see them until we heal, this is the same for others as well even our parents. The main idea here is that always have empathy and look beyond they physical world. Understand why a person may make the choices they make and consider the truth not only the facts. 


What facts has this world presented to you that you took as the ultimate answer? What could have possibly been the truth and are you willing to accept it? To know the truth you must find yourself in all eternity but accept who you are today.

Truth versus Facts

Scars are an indication that we are growing and we are healing. When you see someone with a scar you see someone who was wounded but has lived pass the pain of that damage. Do not be ashamed of your scars, we are all here to heal. Continue to grow and every one of your wounds, (everyone) will heal. No matter if the damage is physical, mental, emotional, Spiritual or just an illusion you can live pass the pain of everything you have been through, just choose life and start living right now!

"Do not be ashamed of  your scars...
Everyone has come here to heal."

Choosing Life

Choosing Life:


Life is all around us, it is in the trees, the butterfly, our pets, the winds and all living things that hold energy. In fact energy is also life, the form of life that is carried out by the Spirit. Everything we see and know has a Spirit because it is energy. Choosing life is to choose power over your own energy and choosing to grow your energy or in other words choosing to grow your Spirit. As your Spirit grows you become more of an impact on your environment, your life and your existence as a whole. Your positive energy has the ability to influence the world around you and as it grows it can even impact the Universe. Your energy is your life, it is found in your Spirit, your thoughts, your mind and your truth. The power to control your energy is the power to influence and create your own world. To choose life you must understand the influence you have on your own atmosphere and in your own existence. The power to have a positive mind, positive environment and positive Spirit starts with the truth and you have the ability to use that power to influence all the life you know. We can not control anyone else's energy but we can influence it by being true to ourselves and knowing our abilities. Choosing life is choosing power and controlling your own energy. 


I know my children are ready to accept more truth when they are willing to accept correction. 


                               - God



Hebrews 12: 5-11,  Proverbs 13: 24,  Mathew 18: 15-17;  Proverbs 12: 1-28,  Deuteronomy 28: 1-68, Hebrews 4: 12

The above message is a quote received from God given to Sabbath Dais by the Holy Spirit. It is followed by useful references from the Holy Bible. It speaks of the truth being a responsibility and correction is needed to come out of deceit and falseness. The children of God must desire truth to heal and grow therefore, must also be corrected. 

How to: Grow

How to : Grow


There is one thing we need to do to start growing and that is choose life. As simple as it may sound it is not always easy. Living on Earth can make life seem difficult and almost impossible to do. The pull of gravity itself can bring us down and make growth apart of the fight of being in this world. However, we are all equipped to fight for our lives and when learning how to grow that is often just what we must do to grow. Practice the "how to" tips below and watch yourself grow into the life that has always been yours to live.

3 Questions to ask yourself today: Be honest with yourself as these answers are for your own self growth.


1. Am I a healthy contributor to the connections I am in, why or why not?

2. Am I enabling negativity in my life and in the life of others, why or why not? 

3. Can I do more to promote positivity in my environment?


How to: Tips for growing: The below tips should be done regularly on a continuous basis:

1. Accept life. Life can be so fulfilling and joyful but we must accept all that comes with it. Overcoming challenges and fighting through pain are apart of the accomplishments in life that bring us fulfillment and joy. Be sure to embrace the journey and pursue growth. 

2. Assess your environment: Are you in a environment that promotes growth and healing? If not, consider going places that inspire you to be healthier, this could be just spending time outdoors or finding a peaceful room in your home. Even if it is only for a few hours a week, being in a healthy environment can help your mental state.   

3. Participate in healthy activities: Any positive activity from playing sports, creating art or joining a book club can spark that positivity in your life. Positive energy can help drive growth and inspire you to participate in more activities that are healthy and growing. 

4. Embrace healthy relationships: Healthy relationships between friends, family or partners can offer the best support when trying to grow. Having someone who cares about your growth and healing can be super motivational and also know that the Spirit is there to care for you. Even more so, a relationship with the Holy Spirit is always good to embrace even if no one else is around to have your back.

5. Encourage the growth of others: Encouraging others can bring so much inspiration to yourself. Helping other people live out their aspirations can help you see the possibilities in accomplishing your own. Never underestimate the power of positivity. Encouraging others to be their best could change their life and yours.

When you do not receive first, you can not have much to give. A part of being healthy is recognizing what your body, mind and soul requires. If your body needs food you feed it, those very nutrients can also help your brain function properly. But food is not all we need. Your Spirit also needs love to help your life function properly. The life starts when you receive love from God and embrace the love that is given to you, then you are able to share that love with others. Loving yourself first and choosing yourself is receiving Gods love to give to others, as it was given to you. Only once you have received, will it be yours to give. This receiving and giving is in all your blessings, love, life and all creation. 



Choosng Yourself

Choosing Yourself


It is imperative to stay true to yourself, meaning constantly seeking and embracing all that you are. Who says you shouldn't love yourself first? Loving yourself first is not intended to keep love from others but rather it is saying I can love others better, once I have learned love for myself. Loving yourself first teaches you how love feels from the inside out. Only then can you understand when love is real because you have the personal experience of understanding how you should be treated.


You must also know the thin line between self love and selfishness or vanity. There are huge differences between loving yourself and being egotistical. Here are 3 differences:


1. Loving yourself is knowing your worth and sharing it with others. Egotistical is being selfish and/or vain, in terms of comparing yourself to others in a superficial form. Egotistical behavior can also come from fear of becoming worthless.

2. Loving yourself is creating positive energy within yourself and being empathetic to others. Egotistical allows you to be unconcerned with life and discredit the cares of others. 

3. Loving yourself is understanding your purpose and appreciating the purpose of others, as we all contribute to a great cause. Egotistical is ignoring the purpose of others and feeling a sense of having a greater purpose than other living things.




Advantages of loving yourself first: 

1. You understand your strengths and weaknesses and are able to appreciate others in theirs. You will know the various forms of non-love or hate because you know what love is therefore, you will have the ability to understand the state in which yourself and others may be in, on a particular part of the journey. 

2. You understand your own love and are able to guard your heart from all things that do not exemplify love. That includes energies you may become exposed to. You will have the ability to recognize energies that do not promote the love you have for yourself. You will have the power to expel negative energy. 

3. You will learn your truth and see others in theirs. When you know your truth you find others in it as we are all apart of one another. Once you see your truth you can see the truth of others and understand were they may be in stages of their lessons or experiences. 

Day 1 Assignment


Growth is life and it means you are alive. When healthy we grow in our power, truth and Spirit. In a healthy environment we continue to thrive, this can even be the environment we create or inspire for ourselves and those around us. In the physical this means our bodies take on a stronger form, as we provide ourselves with what we need for our God given design. In the Spiritual there is not much difference, our Spiritual bodies become stronger. Just as in the physical we age but in the Spiritual we age as well in the sense that we are obtaining more of our ancient wisdom. In this case as we grow Spiritually there is no such thing as death but rather a transformation into a new life and a higher sense of existence.



Day One Assignment: Complete a healing meditation for at least 30 minutes. Be sure to clear your mind of all negative thoughts and imagine yourself growing and rising to your fullest potential. (Feel free to use any of the meditations below.)


Guided Meditation:

Healing Meditation:

Release Fear Meditation:




You have completed Day One of The Healing Workshop. 

*Legal Disclaimer: Star Sessions is a service designed solely for enlightenment and Spiritual guidance. It is not intended for medical, law, psychiatric or financial practice. All guidance provided here is not to be considered as diagnoses or legal advice. If you are in an emergency, or feel you are being harmed or threatened by yourself or another individual please call emergency services immediately. 

External Resource - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: or call 1-800-273-8255. 

© 2022 Star Sessions by Sabbath Dais  - All Rights Reserved.


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